The 2022 Investment and Trade Roundtable meeting (GAMM-IITROM) plans to take place in Shenzhen and another city during 19th to 25th 2022.
We plan that a total of about 400 participants will parricipate in the meeting. Including 100 chambers of commerce.
Co-organizers of the GAMM-IITROM:
about 30 Chinese companies and entrepreneurs are the co-organizers of the meeting.
Please contact us for application for participate in the meeting and get an invitation from the organization committee of the GAMM-IITROM.
Ms. Lily
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
Tel: 13661319808
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com
Ms. Li Juan Executive Vice Chairman of Organization Committee of the Round-table meeting of International Invesmtment and Trade of GAMM
Ms. Li Juan Executive Vice Chairman of Organization Committee of the Round-table meeting of International Invesmtment and Trade of GAMM
Ms. Li Juan Executive Vice Chairman of Organization Committee of the Round-table meeting of International Invesmtment and Trade of GAMM
Ms. Li Juan Executive Vice Chairman of Organization Committee of the Round-table meeting of International Invesmtment and Trade of GAMM
China Asia Group industrial park
An brief introduction about GAMM
GAMM means Great Africa Mankind Mother!
We have the same grandmother
we, the people of the world are one family
Family member should love each other
We should love each and help each
GAMM, headquarter of Global loving persons of great influence, linking the rich and powerful and the poor.
We are dedicated to promote to bring more love care and honor to the poor people of the world especially Africa.
Please contact us for more information:
Ms. Lily
Tel: 13661319809
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com
Make you and your products well-known in China
GAMM has hundreds of partners all over China in different sectors, they are people of great influence.
We also have close relationship with planning and media system which can help you and your products get the attention of the people quickly and efficiently.
Together with our partners we have member companies of more than 5000, and more than 100 chambers of commerce.
Join our meeting and conference, and meet the strong Chinese entrepreneurs. We have 23 years of help foreign friends to identify their partners.
Please contact us for more information:
Ms. Lily
Tel: 13661319809
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com
Export your products to China
GAMM was established by the major shareholders of the subsidiary company of China Asia Group, which has a cross-boarder e-commerce center in the Silican Valley of China Asia Group in Shenzhen, the silican Valley covers an area of 45 hectares of land and already finished and put into use. So we can help you a lot to use the cross-boarder system to import your product to China. In the mean time, for traditional way, we can also help you a lot for your product to export to China. Because there are lot of member companies under GAMM are actually importing from abroad. We have the professional team to help you.
Please contact us for more information:
Ms. Lily
Tel: 13661319809
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com
Build joint venture factory in Africa.
There are too many factories in China which wants to move to Africa.
That is production capacity cooperation. Please tell us what kind of factory is suitable for your country and could you find us a partner in your country?
Please contact us for more information:
Ms. Lily
Tel: 13661319809
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com
Africa China technology exchange and cooperation.
In different areas, there is great potentials for Africa and China technology cooperation and exchange. We promote Chinese technology to transfer to Africa in the fields of Agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, solar energy, chemical, food processing, e-comerce, big data etc. Check with us which areas we can cooperate.
Please contact us for more information:
Ms. Lily
Tel: 13661319809
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com
How much you need to pay to joining us?
GAMM platform provides the service for foreigners totally free.
Please rest assured that we not charge any money for foreigners.
Please contact us for more information:
Ms. Lily
Tel: 13661319809
Tel/Fax: 0086-10-59693028
E-mail: gamm001@vip.sina.com